Great find!
While I won't be able to use all of the hints in there, at least I found this:
Something else I do is to do a series of exercises created by a gentleman named Pete Egoscue. These exercises are designed to improve flexibility and range of motion and prevent injury. And many of them can be done while reading, on the phone, etc. I'd highly recommend Pete's book Pain Free for anyone interested in these.
Not only he seems to like that book a lot, it has raving reviews on the Amazon site! Just click the link above and see.
Also, there's this:
36 Hour Day Strategy #4: Get Organized
You really owe it to yourself to get organized because it will save you both time and stress. There are a number of different ways and strategies for getting organized. One of the best that I've found (and use personally) is David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. GTD, as it is more commonly referred to, is a system for capturing and managing the things that you need to do and remember. It's remarkably effective in that it gets all of the little things out of your head which frees up your “psychic RAM” for more productive thoughts and results in increased creativity.
That's a book I read myself, and while I didn't master its techniques completely yet it's great, I can only recommend it.