I think it's that lack of innovation/paradigm shift that he's talking about, and without it, it's kind of hard to point to.
At the heart of it, it seems to me that he wants a hardware agnostic language that uses all available resources.
That's exactly what I found "interesting" in this "article". Basically : to what extent languages are / need to be projections of the hardware's own structure ? (By nature, certainly more than pure mathematical language(s).) And how much these ties between languages and hardware actually constrain the languages' own potential...? Are the author's thoughts mere unfounded speculations ? Maybe.
There's a definite exchange/mutual "influence" between languages (in the general sense of systematic means of communicating) and media, which in turn changes the way we think, perceive and understand the world around us. It certainly happens in the computer world.
In any case, I don't know clojure/lisp enough to be able to know how valid or legitimate the author's hypothesis/views are. Is Lisp/Clojure data types, control structures, mathematical like flavor etc. really an advantage ?
That's why I posted here -- I knew I'd get informed opinions.
Simple curiosity on my part. Nothing too serious.