I'm so pissed. I just found out that my current ISP, time warner roadrunner, offers mobile internet access for an additional $20 a month. I like that, I'm willing to try it out. What I want to do is carry it around with me wherever I go and be able to access my phone, tablet, laptop with it.
So here's the problem: you can't buy a hotspot independently. At least not the good ones I know of. You have to buy it through Verizon or whatever. It's such complete nonsense. I'm telling you, this cell phone industry is quickly becoming the next thing that needs to be exposed for what it is. It's a monopoly, they are very very severely limiting the technology and innovation that creative people can take advantage of right now. They just want to nickel and dime you for every single byte you use. All the cell phone manufacturers, ISPs, carriers...they're all in bed with each other...and probably the government, too. What's worse is that this highly profitable and potentially innovative industry is completely shut off to the general public. In a time where the economy is struggling, there are a lot of people that can provide cool and interesting services to people, but we can't because the data pathways are not available to us. I'm so pissed every time I think about this.
So I want to buy a mobile hotspot, but I don't want to go through the carriers. I don't want to sign a contract. I just want to go to the fucking store and pick up a hotspot, like I'd pick up anything else like groceries, routers, hard drives, etc. Why should this be different? because this is all these companies have...control of the bandwidth. All these industries that are raking it in now are just sitting there preventing people from doing anything, and do they do anything innovative? No. All they do is figure out more ways to leverage...more ways to find financial loopholes...more fees to charge...more sneaky ways to get people into contracts. That's all they do. The actual service is shoddy compared to the effort they give to those other things.
What is happening to this country? Where are the opportunities? It's not that there aren't jobs out there...this situation makes it impossible to get paid for anything unless you are already a billionaire. You have a cool idea for cell phone users? Forget it...you won't be able to make a living by the time you try to implement it. Why? This rule, that rule, copyright this, copyright that, pay Apple 30% of your sales so they can put it on their site?
All of this needs to change. So much needs to change. All of these bullshit industries: financial, medical, cell phone, education...all of the biggies. They are bloated, they are ineffective, they are sucking up ALL of the money that can be made out there. They take just about all of our money and treat us like shit.
I'm tired of it. I just want to give up and play piano 24/7. Every time I try to do something cool and creative, or have a nice idea that can not only be profitable AND help people, AND make everyone happy...I can't do it.
I love this country, I really do. But I don't see that hope anymore, or the opportunities. It's too hard to do anything. All most people have the strength is taking care of their families, and that's becoming exhausting now. Anything more is too much effort, too much of a struggle, too much willpower.
Anyway...another post by me...I don't know why I vent here