I am trying to develop a mobile application for smartphones that would be like Amber Alert but for pets. The application has two main purposes: announce lost pets and alert about pets on death row at city and rural shelters. The latter is to "recruit" foster or adoptive homes for pets that would otherwise be exterminated in 24 hours. The application would have a picture of the lost or "condemned" pet with info and links on the right or below for users to take immediate action. Over 4 million
healthy and adoptable dogs and cats are exterminated each year in the US alone as a solution for overcrowding. Many of those pets are lost pets whose owners have not had the chance to claim or been notified. This application takes advantage of modern smartphone technology to prevent the unnecessary extermination of domesticated animals at municipal shelters.
I need help developing this application in the various smartphone formats (Droid series, Blackberry, iPhone series). I was wondering if some of you, fellow coders, would be willing to work with me on this project. The application would be freely distributed through regular mobile applications repositories and pet-related websites. If you are familiar with developing mobile applications in any of the above-mentioned formats and can contribute your expertise to this project, please contact me ASAP.
Thank you.