Ok let me try to answer some..
- 1.In the Launch History settings,if I right click on some history item or add a new one,I can modify the location and scores but I can't do anything in the "Optional Modifier keyword"...clicking there don't do anything,it's like the text field is disabled(the mouse cursor don't switch to typing mode when I'm over that text field)
Launch history is not for this kind of thing -- it's a dynamic list of previously launched items whose contents should not be relied upon to be permanent.
If you want to add a specific program with a specific score and keyword, use an alias.
- 2.Is there is some reason "%FARRDIR%\scripts" to be always added even if I delete it?
hmm.. didn't recall that it was, but regardless -- if you don't want that directory searched, just UNCHECK it rather than delete it.
- 3.What "+" is searching for when I just type "+" ...is it trying to display all of the files that are in the search locations?
- If yes,why...when you type + with in mind to add some modifier,until you start typing it,the program is trying to display all of the files that you have in the search locations
hmm that's a good question, it should probably just do nothing in that case; you could say the results are undetermined. it's probably matching EVERYTHING. until you start typing words after the + then it is looking for modifier matches.
- 4.Is the space button(one time)not acceptable as a "Required Alias Prefix"...it works until I restart the program.
that tells me its being stripped off during save. i can make it allowable.
- 5.Can the search result be displayed in normal view mode until it reaches what I set in "Max entries to display in normal result view" but the "launch History" items to be displayed in
hmm i didnt follow this question.
- 6.Switch between normal and extended view hotkey(and if possible,when you are switching between view modes,to not start searching again)
yes i could add a hotkey that would do same thing as typing +showall
- 7.Limit(on/off)the result...if the program find for example 5(you can set the limit)files/folders that match what you are searching for,to stop searching.
didn't understand this question either.