Hmmm....I'm noticing something significant here about how we use PIM's. It seems like it is very important for us to not only store the information we have saved, but to also retain as much as possible HOW we got to that bit of information. That's why we care so much about the link being automatically noted in programs like Onenote, cintanote, evernote, etc. And the importance of that is that we can later go back to our database, find that information, and trace it back to the source (which is probably not in our database) and explore the topic further. And of course, this idea is also what causes us to want good search features, and intra-linking, inter-linking features.
Now, Treesheets would not be very good for this, and if this is what you are trying to do, you're not going to like it. When I first tried TS, that's what I was trying to do, and I gave up pretty quickly. It's unsatisfying in that way because it doesn't really offer any features that allows you to record meta information with whatever it is you want to keep. The concept of tags, links, anything "extra" or meta, is not really it's purpose.
What Treesheets excels at is the ability to layout information. The visual presentation of it is crazy effective, and has made me fall in love with it. This may be a weird analogy, but it is a very DEDUCTIVE way of organizing information, and I love it. I'm a mathematician in my heart, and my knee-jerk reaction is to think of all things deductively (which I'm trying to control now). Math is also purely deductive, that's why it resonates with me so strongly. So, in treesheets, it's all about organizing your IDEAS (not really random bits of trivia). You create an idea, then you dig into it, and you keep digging and digging...that's exactly how treesheets presents the information. It's a hierarchy that can have endless levels.
So what's so different about that compared to outliners and their hierarchies? Outliners can make outlines with bullets or numbering schemes that just indent and indent until you want to stop. But it doesn't look the same, and it's not as effective. An outline, as it expands, goes from top to bottom, and the levels are indented to the right. That's ok, but that's not how my mind really works. Treesheets presents an idea in a CONTAINER...then any sub-ideas will be INSIDE that container, and you can do this to infinity. This is presented VISUALLY in just that way, which is awesome. Furthermore, the navigation features of Treesheets have this cool visual effect of making you feel like your digging INTO an idea.
I really should make a video about this, this is far too much explaining to be effective.