EditPlus has an unlimited trial period, so that's enough to sneak it in under the wire. We also host an INI syntax highlighting file EditPlus for translators for some programs (ALZip, ALSee, ALFTP).
UltraEdit was only mentioned because it won the review.
The other "mentionables" were from ASP members and just informational in case anyone wanted to look beyond the very limited list that I put up there.
I didn't see much point in putting more than a very few. I would like to have included EditPad. I know Jan and he's a nice guy. I just had limited space though. That and you can't undo past save points.
Personally, I prefer commercial software for myself most of the time. I'd rather just pay for it and get it done with. It's easier & in the long run it's often cheaper. Sometimes free is good too though. For recommendations though, I try to give good free ones first, then give commercial recommendations.