I actually got around to running some benchmarks last weekend, but got sidetracked and forgot to post anything
. So far I've only run warm-cache tests - for cold-cache, I really really really want to be able to automate the process. I want to collect a lot of data sets, but I'm way too lazy to manually do all the reboots necessary :-)
First, specs:
Corsair XMS2 2GB DDR2 800MHz (2x1GB)
Intel Core2 E6550 @ 2.33GHz
Western Digital 3.5" 74GB Raptor
Corsair 16GB DDR3 1600MHz (4x8GB)
Intel Core i7 3770 Ivy Bridge
INTEL SSD 520 Series 120GB
Western Digital 2.5" 300GB VelociRaptor
For the workstation, I ran the test on the VelociRaptor which is a big dump of all sorts of crap
. The testbox was freshly installed with Win7-x64 enterprise, LibreOffice 3.6.4, PiriForm Defraggler (didn't defrag it, though), Chrome, and all Windows Updates as of, well, last weekend. I furthermore copied some ~33gig of FLAC music from my server to get some meat on the filesystem - there's ~2.3gig free. The Windows partition is only ~52gig, as I didn't want to nuke the Linux test install I had on the disk - so the Windows partition starts ~18gig into the disk. Furthermore, I've disabled the following services: Defrag, Superfetch, Windows Search (hopefully turns off indexing?). Other than that, it's a pretty vanilla install, I even left the 2gig pagefile in place.
Anyway, I started by running a warmup, then I generated output files by running the following quick hackjob batch file - it does 16 identical passes of 1 to 16 threads, and both depth and breadth - so 512 totalt runs. Oh, and it also starts each pass with a single verbose run:
@echo off
FOR /L %%I IN (1,1,16) DO CALL :ONEROUND %%I
SET OUTFILE=results-run-%1.txt
ECHO ********** ROUND %1, Verbose Stats for 4 threads
ECHO ********** ROUND %1, Verbose Stats for 4 threads > %OUTFILE%
bvckup2-demo2-x64.exe -t 4 -v e:\ >> %OUTFILE%
FOR /L %%I IN (1,1,16) DO CALL :ONEBENCH %1 %%I
ECHO ========== ROUND %1, Breadth, %2 Threads
ECHO ========== ROUND %1, Breadth, %2 Threads >> %OUTFILE%
bvckup2-demo2-x64.exe -q -t %2 --breadth-first e:\ >> %OUTFILE%
ECHO ========== ROUND %1, Depth, %2 Threads
ECHO ========== ROUND %1, Depth, %2 Threads >> %OUTFILE%
bvckup2-demo2-x64.exe -q -t %2 e:\ >> %OUTFILE%
It would seem that the difference between depth- and breadth-first are pretty small for the warm-cache tests, and that there's not much to be gained from using more threads than CPU cores (makes sense for the warm cache scenario). It doesn't seem like there's a lot of penalty to using more threads than cores, though - but it obviously uses slightly more system resources.
I'm attaching a zip file with the raw output from the hackjob batch file, and pondering a decent way to visualize it. I guess the 16 consecutive runs should be processed into {min,max,avg,mean} values - should be easy enough to do the processing, but how to handle the rendering? Some LibreOffice spread sheet, some HTML + JavaScript charting? Got any good ideas?
Also, if I find a way to automate the cold-cache testing (suggestions would be
very welcome!), I'll throw in stats from my old dualcore-with-SSD laptop.