I could write a book replying to this article point by point, but I just don't have the time at the moment, maybe later, I don't know.
Suffice it to say I agree with many of his points, wholeheartedly even, but I found myself disagreeing with where he lays the blame.
In other words, as bad as some of their decisions have been, I just can't say that it's all Canonical/Ubuntu's fault.
Sometimes you gotta go with what works, and when somebody else breaks it for you...
I use Xubuntu because it was the first distro I used that I didn't have to fight with in order to get and use software that didn't come bundled with the distro.
Believe me, after my initial go-arounds with Slackware, Mandrake, and a few others I was always left wondering if it couldn't be made just a
little easier.
Ubuntu answered that.
I've tried the latest versions of OpenSuse, Fedora, etc. and while they've both handily overcome the package management beast, I still prefer the APT/Synaptic system over Yum/RPM, and there was always something I didn't like; usually something starting with a K or a G.
Sorry Zaine, nothing against you, but I just cannot stand KDE no matter how many times I try to use it, and Gnome consistently insults my intelligence.
Xfce is my DE of choice and I'm quite glad I have that freedom.
So much more to say...