As far as changing their business plan, that's the risk you take using free services.
I don't think Evernote 2.2 was free, at least my version wasn't.
Business plans changed when Evernote was taken over by someone with a clear idea of where they wanted to take it. And had the program completely rewritten.
I should have put it better: handing over control of my data. I would feel very vulnerable if it was only stored on their servers.-rjbull
Agreed - except that the cloudy versions always have a copy on the HDD too. I don't think there's a way of making it cloud only (I suspect using sync minimises their transfer costs).
I doubt it would remain free very long, but, I thought the storage was part of what you paid for when you paid for Evernote > 2.2. I don't want to go on paying for evermore...-rjbull
All versions of Evernote are free (well, since they were taken over they have been). The free version allows datebases ("notebooks") to be synced to the cloud or just kept locally. What you get if you pay is a much bigger upload limit (1GB a month rather than 60MB) and the ability to sync any file type instead of just PDF, images & audio. I'm willing to pay if I need it, but have never wanted to sync other file types or upload more than I do.
Apart from the sync with the cloud, the big issue a lot of 2.2 users had was the inability to organise/reorganise by switching around in a note hierarchy. I've come around on that eventually since I do use the cloud availability. They do have tags - better now than they were - but it is still not the old functionality. But then, if I need that I just use Ultra Recall instead
I always did only use Evernote for snippets.