I got a phishy sounding voicemail today:
We're calling on behalf of your financial institution concerning your debit or ATM card. Please return this call at 1(800) 830-1925 Again. That number is 1(800) 830-1925. We have representatives available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Thank you, goodbye.
I Googled the number and found a site with a bunch of people saying it was legitimate, but I still didn't trust it so I just called my bank instead. My bank told me about an unauthorized charge to my card from a company in New Jersey (I'm on the other side of the continent, in Idaho). Thankfully my bank was smart enough not to let the charge through, so I don't need to worry about trying to get my money back. My card has been cancelled and a new one is being reissued. Ugh, now I need to update PayPal and Amazon and NewEgg and a whole lot else after I get my new card.
This is the same card I had on my PSN account. If you have or ever had your details on a PSN account, be watchful! This charge didn't show up on my online banking statement at all.