I'm using AbsoluteControl for that task
People might like to know about Wizmo from Steve Gibson
http://www.grc.com /
• blackout
blackout monitors(s) while leaving them on.
• desktop
blank monitors(s) to the desktop color.
• blank
Activate system's screen blanker.
• autoblank=
Enable/Disable timed blanking.
• monoff
Power off system monitor(s).
• standby
Place the computer in standby mode.
• hibernate
Cause the computer to hibernate.
• logoff
Logs off the current user.
• exit
Exits from Windows.
• reboot
Exits then restarts Windows.
• open
Opens/ejects system's CDROM.
• open=
Open/eject specific drive.
• close
Closes system's CDROM.
• close=
Closes specific drive.
• volume=
Set system's audio volume (0-100).
• mute=
Enable or disable the system's audio.
• play=
Play the specified wave file.
• wave=
Set the wave volume only (0-100).
• shake=
Specify mouse sensitivity.
• quiet
Suppress Wizmo's action sound.
• graviton
Activate the built-in screen saver.