Hey guys. My first time here.
Yes, yet another notepad thing, they're everywhere and way over done, but I liked this idea enough to type it out anyway.
An instant notepad/text box that pops up when you move your mouse cursor to locations 0,0(could add 1,0 0,1 and 1,1 I suppose). The notepad would load a default note file, take system focus, and position the cursor at the end of the file on a new blank line. You type in what you want, then move your cursor away. It would then save the file, close the notepad/text box, and return focus to the program it took focus from.
I chose 0,0 because the mouse is almost never at that spot without purposefully going there. It is very easy to get to with almost no chance of missing it as well. Even if you do accidentally get there, simply move the mouse away to go back to work.
A user customizable hotkey would allow you to lock the notepad/text box open for copy and paste operations with the mouse.
The goal is not to make a notepad replacement, just to make an instant and effortless no click required way to type out thoughts, paste copied text, and generally get back to work as soon as possible.
I tried to make something in autohotkey to do this but I never managed anything usable.