I recently needed a quick tool to burn a DVD - So I downloaded the first hit on google for "Free DVD Burner". Usually I use Nero, but I didnt have time to find the CD to install it, so I figured this would be a quick option.
On the installer, it asks you to choose between Default (Software + A Ton of Junk) and Custom (Software + Opt-Out of all the junk)
Now obviously, I removed the checkboxes for the "Install X toolbar and X crap"
Installed the software
It works nicely (no qualms with the software itself...just the dodgy install)
Later on my mrs opened Firefox (her prefered browser), logged in to facebook, and noticed a LOT of extra options, like smileys and such, which, at first glance, seemed like an official feature. The feature wasnt showing on my profile (Loaded in Opera) but it didnt strike me as odd as they dont always roll out new features to all users at once.
After a moment of confusion, I noticed a tool bar at the top, which contained the logo for the new DVD Burner I had just told NOT to install CRAP onto my computer.
It was easy to uninstall, but it shouldnt have been there in the first place.
Now, its hard to say if this is a botched insaller, or they did it on purpose...either way...it needs to be said that I wasnt happy and figured I'd come rant about it here.
http://www.burn4free.com/Im not against free software developers supporting thier projects by adding crap into thier installs
per se - A toolbar here and there never killed anybody, and if it helps keep the money flowing, then good on them...but if I say I dont want it...I DONT WANT IT...it doesnt mean "I say I dont want it now, but install it anyway without telling me so I can check it out later and have to go through a whole process of removing all the little peices of junk you added"
Im gonna scan to see what other adware crap its installed on my system, but up until now...im miffed that it even installed the toolbar...I HATE TOOLBARS...I DONT USE TOOLBARS...I HAVE NEVER USED TOOLBARS.