Yes, I did manage to get latest Photoshop + Elements. All in all it took may be 10 hours but then it was tested and "secure". Update proof? I doubt it. Uninstalled shortly after, worst crap I have ever seen. Most are more than happy with older and more proven to work versions.
My impression is that 9 out of 10 who post in public warez forum, p2p threads etc. are dumb as a door and understand very little of security and malware. They go by names only, like nod32 or kaspersky. I would be careful to suggest they do much thinking
...stop flaming me!!!
Just kidding.
Actually this is true but my point was, just knowing nod32 and kaspersky, means that the users not only read reviews - they are apt to have read things like Sandboxie and have a decent malware and free AV installed to begin with.
As these users download these apps, these users become more exposed to figuring out which is legit and which isn't legit at a basic level and thus you have a higher mix of these comments verifying these files as opposed to say... Photoshop where working versions are the thumbs up, not the actual functionality.
I don't know about pirating outside popular sources, where the dumb people go, but f0dder is probably correct. There are many ways to get what you desire. Knowing IT people is usually an advantage
Yup. Sucks to be me but to be honest it's not like unpopular sources are a secret. Just hard to configure plus for piracy, intelligence is not the measuring stick but uploader reputation and people who have access to certain sites.
Paul Keith: I haven't had an interest in Photoshop for ages, since it's a piece of bloat, and my needs are fulfilled perfectly by Paint.NET... but suggests that it shouldn't really be hard getting hold of a copy of the latest & greatest Photoshop.
See, that assumes the average downloader not only know nfoogle but they can afford usenet or know how to circumvent that.
I don't even know nfoogle and the average pirating person doesn't either. (Note that piracy is such a huge spectrum, average means below average and above average means going beyond public torrents)
Also, again, it falls into verification. It's one thing to acquire Photoshop, it's another thing to acquire THE Photoshop and I think that's important.
If you're just leeching Photoshop for the sake of leeching Photoshop, you're not really pirating. Just blindly acquiring. If that's the criteria, one may as well count the number of false software acquired via Gnutella and Kazaa which is pointless because this thread is not about the most pirated virus.
Umm...even if it was just a quick load/try/remove deal... do you think that's a wise or considerate thing to come right out and admit doing on the public forum of a highly visible site where a number of its members and visitors write licensed software for a living?
Just thinking out loud here.
Yeah. I don't see any problem stating that.
It's really up to mouser to moderate the posts but the truth is, some of the most apt pirates are also some of the biggest software supporters.
It's a lot like the assumption that poor people prefer cheaper knock-offs when in reality, poor people prefer brands and those that can't afford brands - buy branded knock-offs but they don't know the quality.
Same thing with drug users. Setting aside addicts, it's safest to induce drugs with people who know the elements of drugs than those who merely sell it. In that sense, the best supporter against drug abuse are the drug users themselves who don't want their drugs to be further demonified.
With software, the ones who pirate software, are much more intelligent at figuring out which software they want to support. The end result is that these guys tend to support the software in this site rather than merely pay x popular software for their needs.
There are exceptions like me who can only donate to developers if others donate to me since I have no money but I really and firmly believe that piracy is the market deciding they want to pay for items they really want to pay. We're not doing it at a conscious level, but evolutionarily speaking, now marketers can't get us as addicted because if they do, consumers will react via piracy not blind payments.