You got a reply... something about building your own script bridge, whatever that is. And you're not the only one on the fence...
Well, we'll see. I don't know what a script bridge is, but I have a feeling that he means "no".
If that's the case, then I'm out. Writing a wrapper for an engine like that is a product and a half itself. I'm not interested in doing a truckload of work so that I can start to do work. I'm only interested in getting right down to it.

Oh well... Can't hurt to ask.
Well considering they just made the announcement late last night, I'm under the impression that the $99 price is going to be valid for at least a few weeks still.
Well, if I can use C# (easily), I'll buy. Need to figure that one out...-Renegade
Also, I already own Torque 2D, so I could have told you that the engine is written in C++ and it uses a scripting language called TorqueScript. No (easy) way to interface it with C# that I know of.
And that's the last nail in the coffin...
Guess I'm out for that one.
Does anyone know of a good .NET game engine?