I'm curious. Could you explain your complaints with 16:9? I believe my current monitor is 16:10, but I heard that is rare.
It does appear to be that 16:10 is becoming increasingly rare, which is another real annoyance.
I hate 16:9 as a computer screen size as it's just dumb, there's no good reason for it other than to make "widescreen" movies and tv shows look "right" when they are played back. I mean "right" as in you don't see the black borders (top and bottom) you get on a 16:10 screen when you watch a 16:9 video.
If your computer is used primarily for watching video then I can see you might have a reason for favouring 16:9 over 16:10 screens. If you use your computer primarily for web browsing and/or "work" (looking at text or images) then you really ought to want plenty of screen height. Even an inch of extra screen height is noticeably better to work with.
So, nothing unusual. I just think that we are being sold 16:9 monitors because misguided consumers think that's the best ratio - because their vids will look "right". But anyone working, reading text or working with images will soon realise that a taller screen size would have been a better choice, i.e. 16:10. Or, at least, they'll realise that when they have the opportunity to work on a 16:10 screen, until then they'll be deluded in thinking 16:9 is fine.
4:3 still seems the best ratio to me for working on a pc, assuming that would be a very large 4:3. More screen area makes sense, there's no good reason for 16:9 unless you are a video junkie.