Sujay, today is your lucky day, although it isn't really...
Version 1.2.0 is now out. Sadly though, this release adds nothing new; it only prevents breakage in the nearby future. Because upgrading really matters to keep JottiQ working, I decided to engage in some psychological warfare and bump up the minor version to v1.2.0 rather than going with a more sensible v1.1.2.
Jotti is in the process of revitalizing his service with new features, amongst which is the ability to deal with the load JottiQ threw at it during its release. (That last thing has been implemented for a while I believe; I haven't seen a server-side queue in ages!) Some of his upcoming changes however are not compatible with JottiQ (broken scan results link, anti-virus images moving and such), so an update is required for continued functioning.
I do hope to get back into JottiQ development again. I still have some plans for it. But for now, I am going to wait and see to what degree Jotti's upcoming changes affect things. Some of the features I'd love to implement require a little bit of help from him, and he understandably needs to focus on his current efforts first.
If there is anything else you want to know, check the first post in this topic or see the
website. Or simply ask in this topic; I'll be glad to answer any questions there may be.
v1.2.0 (2015-03-24)
Compatibility release. Jotti is undergoing some changes so we must too.
Upgrading is highly recommended; previous versions of JottiQ may break or
otherwise show reduced functionality as Jotti improves his service.
Edit: It seems the DCMembers server has some issues at present, so I can't actually update the website right now. But I hopefully will be able to do so soon!