I have long-since been a fan of the python scripting language. I find it very intuitive to use and easy to knock up a bit of this-and-that whenever needed.
But I wanted to take it a step further than just "playing" here and there. I wanted to get me a professional IDE for Python and start getting down to business. I felt that a simple text-editor wouldn't do for this task - I needed debugging support and possible code-completion. Also, code-folding would be useful.
I narrowed it down to two programs - WingIDE and Komodo from ActiveState.
http://wingware.com/wingide/features - Feature list / version comparison for WingIDE
http://www.activesta...Komodo/editions.plex - The same for Komodo.
Based partly on those lists, I chose Komodo. And have been very impressed thus far. It's the first python editor that's ever automagically picked up wxPython too!
Stay tuned for some simple apps in python from me
And maybe some in C++/C# with python extensions....