Julian Dibbell does the honors of telling us more about Chris Poole, 4chan's founder.
http://www.technolog...eview.com/web/25997/"Like many people, Poole thinks there are better ways than Moses's to manage the tangled social, cultural, and infrastructural needs of a community of millions. But unlike most people--let alone most 22-year-olds--he actually has some experience doing just that. Seven years ago, Poole created the website 4chan, an online community that now has nearly 11 million monthly users and is, in some respects, as unruly as any metropolis. The site is what's known as an image board, a type of online message forum that encourages users to post both images and text, and its users now contribute more than a million messages a day, their content tending in the aggregate toward a unique mix of humor, pornography, offensiveness, and, at times, borderline legality. It has long been one of the largest message forums in the world, but Poole, the only owner 4chan has ever had, continues to run it as he has always done: in his spare time, with a little help from online volunteers and just enough advertising revenue to cover bandwidth costs."
If you haven't visited
4chan yet, it suffers from the same ennui that the rest of the net sees. After a while, you won't see anything new, you'll just be looking (again) for something you once found.
WARNING: 4chan is NSFW due to nudity, language, etc.