Hello superboyac,
Thanks for your interest.
RecentX works mostly with Windows Explorer (which includes the file open/save dialogs also). Technically it is almost impossible for them to get details from Everything, FARR etc.
But you can manually add your favorite files and folders to RecentX by dragging and dropping them over RecentX so that you can always launch them from RecentX.
Let us know how else we can serve you.
Gautam Jain
Ah, I see. Thanks. Hmm...I wonder how useful the program will be to me. This is no knock on the program, I'm just thinking out loud...
Here's the thing, if it works mainly with explorer windows and dialogs, then that means it won't keep track of the files I'm using with other applications. Now, with Dopus, it can be configured to work on the double-clicking. However, I use so many third-party tools like that. The only situation where I regularly use a normal windows dialog is in the open/save dialogs. And even those I have enhanced by Direct Folders. Direct Folders and RecentX, even though they do different things, for me they have very overlapping functions. I use Direct Folders to make those open/save dialogs quite efficient. So in those cases, RecentX wouldn't add that much more to it by just storing a history of those files. Secondly, DOpus has the virtual file collection features. I haven't even used half of the capabilities there, but I can very easily use it to hold my favorite folders and files and what not. I can probably even set it up to do some cooler things like keep track of recent documents.
But that being said, even the open/save I don't use that often. I open most files by either double-clicking in DOpus (or XYplorer, TC, etc.) or dragging-dropping into the application window. Once again, RecentX wouldn't help me much there. And for really hard to find files, I'll just use Everything which is brilliant for that.
So I think I'll pass. Again, nothing negative about RecentX, it's a personal thing. It's actually a good application and I appreciate that the authors come here and respond and are helpful. I also give a big thumbs up to the interface, which is very nice and elegant. I've been bitching about interfaces recently, so there's a good example of how to do it right. i think I'm just such a software geek that I already have 5 things for each function. But I also know I'm in the very small minority.