I've already setup semi-LAMP; we use Postgres rather than MySQL, but all the rest is there. But I'm glad you mentioned it because yer basic website setup had totally slipped my mind. Now at least it gets on the list. However, all I did was the installs for those products, no configuration. As I'm just starting, my jobs for the past couple of weeks are to learn the general environment and tools we use, and then those "joe-jobs" that prepare the real NetAdmin to get to the heavy lifting.
So I've configured a few blades, installed a few VMs and then in them, installed Debian with PHP, Apache (A Patchy Server - still makes me laff) and Postgres.
The intro texts I'm working through assume bash, which is what I have at my disposal. Using Debian here at work, so that's what I'll be working with. Have done zero scripting on linux, but plenty of scripting in other environments so that should be less of a hill to push my brain up.
When you're off the road, I look forward to whatever else you have to suggest.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm tracking down vimtutor right now. I've had limited experience with Vi in the past, but know that it will become a daily tool. Mind you I am a big fan of eMacs. When I was running DLG BBS on my Amiga, I installed a version of the emacs editor as the syste/user editor and a lot of people told me they liked it. Of course, that was back when computers were steam-powered so who knows what it's like today. Got a good laugh out of the illustration though