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Author Topic: Create a Graveyard Folder (Diary users ignore this)  (Read 4082 times)

Paul Keith

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Create a Graveyard Folder (Diary users ignore this)
« on: June 14, 2010, 05:47 PM »
I apologize if I had posted this before somewhere in here.

I think I haven't because at the time my thought was, this wasn't good enough as a separate concept to make someone productive but my recent post here as well as my own unsettling realization that there's probably nothing else new or innovative I can introduce to a productive system "conceptually" other than to learn how to develop a software that will auto-organize many of the manual tasks in different productivity systems, I might as well throw this out there.

Concept: Just a warning. This really won't make you productive at all. It's based on the premise that many systems try to emulate many things our PCs do but since I have yet to find an idea equivalent to the recycle bin, it seems I have to make my own term for what to call it relative to my productivity system.

All you do is just make a graveyard folder and you're done. If you have a specific software in mind, just create this category in it.

This isn't so much a place to put your finished tasks or inspire you by making it easier to search for things you've finished but instead is a place where you put those things you "dearly" don't want to drop but have to.

I'd call this Regrets folder if the term Graveyard didn't give me a much better image of closure.

For example, you've eaten an unhealthy and delicious fast food product before and one day, you realize there's just something you don't like about it anymore. Maybe something beyond the fact that it's unhealthy and you stopped eating it.

Fast forward to many years later and then you encounter this food again and once again you're tempted to eat it but all you can think of is that it's unhealthy. Well, setting aside the productive black belts, I'd like to think there are many of us whom unhealthy isn't enough of an anti-tantalizer.

But there's nothing to remind us of why we gave it up except for a vague concept at the tip of our memory and then instead of just eating it once or twice for nostalgia, we get hooked again even if deep down we have the "unhealthy" reason for why we gave this food product up.

For something specific to my Graveyard folder, here's two games I decided to stop drawing inspiration from in the off chance I ever get started with developing a game (one is copied and the other is my own self-written conclusion):



Despite the fantastic build up and despite the magnificent would-be end to the game, we're left with a poorly thought out ending. While character development hits a real peak at this point in the game, the main plot fizzles.

Once the story ended, they threw a jumbled mess at the back end to make sure we got everything.

There's actually nothing more to the main plot.


It is and was a great game with a great videogame plot that had many people interpreting it's design


XenoSaga failed despite the hype. Focused too much on cinematic cutscenes but never garnered the success of FF7. Even the system is similar to Legaia in that, while, it makes for a great alternate hybrid to the Tales series fast feel, simply doesn't convert well in a general setting.

Even the robots were more appealling because few rpgs have giant robot battles and besides SRW, this was the 2nd best mecha rpg I've played. (Front Mission 3 being the 3rd)

...and here are two others from a software usage category:

*Not good enough in detecting failures*

#Cliche Finder#

#Critique Finder#


Seemingly abandoned or rarely updated for modern distroes

As you can see, some of these texts can be very basic while others can be as detailed as you want. The important thing is not to write or copy the detail that you would want to present to others but what you yourself felt sincerely at the time of your dissatisfaction.

The important thing is that you recall your emotions when you eventually get attracted to these things again. I've even used this to remind me of the friends I've lost, pushed away or stop contacting.


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Re: Create a Graveyard Folder (Diary users ignore this)
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 05:50 PM »
anyone who has gone looking for the perfect program to achieve a certain task, and then been asked a week later by a friend why we didn't like certain of the programs we tried and rejected, would instantly see the value in this.

i find it VERY hard to remember why i've rejected certain alternatives when engaged in a search for something.. and i think the idea of keeping a brief record of why each alternative in a search was reject is a great idea.