That whole social values thing really is jagged at the moment. After all, it's just a *GAME*... Or it's taken on a new role/aspect/meaning now?
From my perspective, there's two types of people that would want to buy gold/accounts for a serious amount of money.
1. Those looking to have a huge e-peen without the investment to actually progress in the games
2. Those who don't have the time to amass the money in game, but would rather enjoy the game, not as another job.
Those in category (1) are willing to pay exorbitant prices for the sake of bragging and pwning others. Those in category (2) are willing to supplement their game with real money, because money=time. When you break it down like that, it's easy to see that the monetization of such services would very easily make you a lot of money- that's one of the reason why the social games make so much money.