I had an idea.. I would like to see coders to take on more substantial programming projects to release at the end of the year as part of NANY. I wonder if it might make sense to encourage coders to request donations to help them spend some time on their NANY, or purchase things that might help them code their project (icons, clipart, programming tools, etc.).
The nature of DC means that such donations would be small -- but still maybe worth a try.
Doing this doesn't really require us to implement anything special -- donations can be made via donationcredits, or any other financial service, or coders could set up one of those funding accounts on other sites.
The only real thing we should do IF people think this is a good idea is maybe put up a page or sticky thread listing the coders who are requesting some funding, what they are planning to do with any donations, and some background on whether they have participated in NANY before, etc., and then just encourage people to send money to these people as they post updates on their projects.