two comments:
now i see how to add my own searches:
keep in mind that you shouldn't edit and modify the alias files in the "Installed" subdirectory (like where the Core-Linguistics.alias file is), because it will get overwritten when FARR is updated(!). If you really wanted to make your own define alias you could first COPY it from that alias file into your own one in the "MyCustom" alias directory, and disable the built-in one so yours is used instead. It's a bit tricky but it lets us keep the build in aliases updated.
is there any easy way that i can get result page displayed in Find and Run Robot window?
there is, but you'll have to make your own custom alias for that. to do this, check out the "igo" alias in the Core-Internet.alias file (note that you can view and edit these alias files from within FARR in the Alias/Groups tab, or edit the files directly with a text editor).
the igo alias uses the following result to show a web page in the internal farr window:
Internal Surf to $$1 | htmlviewurl $$1 so you see all you have to do is specify "htmlviewurl" in front of the url to have it opened internally.
good luck creating your own custom aliases!