Get cracks made by one of the reputable(!) zero day groups, and get them from a safe place - there's publicly available stuff that's pretty much guaranteed to be clean. Relying on google searches or thepiratebay is a good recipe for malware infections, though.
There's a lot of PITAs with games, especially from the big brand companies. Driver-based protections that cause system instability, messed up schemes that will randomly shut down games (without proper error messages) if you have something as innocent as Process Explorer running, protection schemes where critical game paths are done in (slow!) VM code, draconian single-machine activation schemes, systems that require you to be online to play (even for single-player games w/o multiplayer content!), et cetera.
Plenty of reasons to always run a cracked version of your legitimately purchased games - if you must have that game. I prefer to vote with my wallet, I don't believe EA or the other fsckers deserve my cash.