A long time ago, I considered working for a local startup software company. No programming skills needed, the ad said. I went to the place and took their aptitude test. They said I was smart enough but didn't have the level of programming skills needed. Here's the weird part; they offered programming classes
for free with the promise that they would hire me at 8 bucks an hour when I graduated. The hours were funny, so I didn't bite and besides, the pay wasn't what I needed at the time. Anyways, about 3 months later I found their first software product,
Stop-Sign Antivirus. I decided to download it and try it out. BIG MISTAKE. 3 download screens later, it installed more spyware and "phone home" trolls than I could count. I didn't even get around to scanning for viruses with it, it was so bad. A quick search on Google today shows
Lavasoft (makers of Ad-Aware) had it rated as a level 7 spyware that was eventually downgraded to a level 3. I don't know about any of you, but Level 1 is too high!