When using a negative width in the "Clock Text" tab, next time the hour changes the width will appear as if the width setting was double the amount I have chosen.
For example, if I set the width to -32, the next hour (or if I just change the system time manually) the width will go to and remain at -64 (even if it's impossible to set manually).
It's not really a problem as I can just set it to -16 to get -32, but thought I'd point it out.
If it matters (haven't really tested every possibility...), my time format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss".
Just so I can duplicate this properly (first try failed), you are saying that the setting in the properties dialog is doubling (which has a corresponding ill effect on the clock's display output), correct?
And would I be correct in assuming that you are using the latest released build (95) of T-Clock?-Stoic Joker
Latest build, yes.
In properties, if I want a width of -x, I'd just set it to -x, right? This works for a while as expected.
However, the next time the hour digit changes (which I can also do manually by changing the system time), the clock layout will suddenly display as if the width was set to -2x. When going to properties, the width is still set to -x, and if I click "Apply" (have to change something to activate the button), the clock will jump back to -x and stay there until the hour digit changes again.
My workaround is to set the width to -x/2, and change the system timer by one hour in any direction (to get my -x width) and back again (for correct time). The width setting in the properties will keep showing -x/2, so every time I change any setting, the width will be set to -x/2 again until the hour changes.
Sorry for the long post, it's a bit complicated and didn't find an easy way to explain it =).
edit: attempt at a short explanation:
If width is negative: Every time the hour digit changes, it sets the width to double whatever the width setting is, without actually changing the setting. To fight back I could "apply" the settings again every hour, or just "give up" and set the width to half of what I want.