CHM2AliasThis (
still very alpha) tool attempts to create a FARR .alias file from a .chm file. The resulting alias consists of results that point to specific nodes within the .chm file.
Thus, FARR's searching/filtering capabilities may be applied to quickly navigate to certain places within .chm files for which corresponding .alias files have been created, installed, and configured.
How to UseBasically the tool is applied to an existing .chm file to create a new .alias file. The resulting .alias file should be placed in an appopriate location and then possibly tweaked via FARR's UI. Detailed instructions follow.
At the moment, your machine must have hh.exe living in C:\WINDOWS\ for this tool to work.Creating the new .alias file.1. Drop a .chm file on to CHM2Alias.exe.
There should be a new .alias file in the same directory as CHM2Alias.exe.
Installing the new .alias file.2. For Windows XP, the new .alias file should be placed in the folder:
where <FARR-Installation-Dir> is typically:
C:\Program Files\FindAndRunRobot
but may be somewhere else depending on your setup.
For Vista / 7, the new .alias file should typically be placed in:
where <username> is your user name.
Configuring the new .alias file. 3. Open FARR's Options window and navigate to:
Program Options ->
Lists ->
Then choose the new .alias via the combo box labeled:
Select Alias/Group file to configure
4. Bring up the "Edit Group/Alias" dialog for the single entry by double-clicking the entry or via its context-sensitive menu.
5. Edit any values appropriately -- specifically, choosing a relatively short value for Group Alias Name is recommended.
Using the new alias.6. Bring up FARR and type the alias' value for Group Alias Name.
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