I need a little utility program to automate use of some third party software, so I thought this was the perfect time to learn a little AutoHotKey. But, I'm running into a bit of a problem. Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong with the following snippet? Using the latest AHK downloaded from the AHK site.
; Variables
_InputDirectory := "\\snlwebtool3\apps\TranslationRepository_test\"
_OutputDirectory := "\\snlwebtool3\apps\TranslationRepository\Incoming"
_PDFConverterPath := ProgramFiles . "\AnyBizSoft\PDFConverter\PDFConverter.exe"
; Script Start
FileSelectFile % _SourceFileName, 3, _InputDirectory, "Select the file to be converted.", "Adobe PDF (*.pdf)"
I get the following error:
C:\Dev\.NET20\Document System\SNL.DocumentTranslationService\Scripts\PDFConverter.ahk (21) : ==> This parameter contains a variable name missing its ending percent sign.
Specifically: % _SourceFileName
It works if I take the % out, but then it's not using the values of the variables, but the variable names.