Hmm, it turned out I didn't have the latest version with group aliases....
Have imported the alias2.ini file and tried it a little and I find it a bit over the top for my needs.
(Not that my vbscripts is less geeky:))
When I do a search on the web I almost allways use google, so the extra step by choosing from the result list is for my part unwanted.
If I for a change wanted to use alltheweb instead I probably make an atw shortcut...
Here is the list of shortcuts and a brief explanation(taken from win-r hlp)
The remaining 200 or so shortcuts is for my use only or in norwegian(lookup norwegian phonenumbers etc)
One of the most used one is the "e" shortcut.
Shortcut "is" opens one of my access applications.
Shortcut "e is" opens explorer with root on the folder of the access application
ar - Sysinternals Autoruns - Shows what programs that runs at startup
c - Calculator
cf - Removes formatting form clipboard/Pastes full path of copied file
cls - Clear Screen(Show desktop)
cm - Computer management
copymsgbox- Tool that lets you copy text out of messageboxes(Opens in systray)
cp - Opens Control Panel
dat - Tool to open those pesky .dat attachments. (Copy full path to clipboard before running dat)
dc - Disconnecter terminal session
dic - Lookup word in dictionary: dic intermitted
dq - Deqoute - adds/removes qoutes in delphi code
e - Opens folder in shortcuts Start in field. Example: e ts
ev - Event viewer
eventid - Opens IE with
f - Finds ShortCuts based on description in the comments field on the shortcut
FileExt - Lookup Fileextentions. Example: FileExt vbs
fnd - Finds ShortCuts based on description in the comments field on the shortcut
ggt - Groups Google This; Run: ggt searchword1 searchword2 ... To searhc in Google groups(Usenet)
ggta - Groups Google This Access-groups
gmc - Gmail compose
go - Opens IE with URL in Clipboard
gt - Google This; Run: gt searchword1 searchword2 ... to search in google
h - Lists all shortcuts with their description
h2t - Changes Clipboard HTML to TXT
hhtml - HTML helpfile
hlp - Lists all shortcuts with their description
hosts - Edit host-file
hsql - SQL Helpfile
hvbscript - VBScript helpfile
hwsh - Helpfile for windows scripting host(wsh, vbs)
ie - Opens internet explorer with given URL. Example: ie
iyt - - Playing chess?
lex - Wikipedia - free but very good lexicon
lo - Log off
mag - Opens Maginfier
md - Explorer rooted in My Documents
msp - Opens MS Paint
new - Explorer rooted in this folder to make it easy to add new shortcuts
np - Metapad an excellent notepad replacement
ns - net send message to user: ns
o - Opens folder in shortcuts Start in field. Example: o ts
odbc - Opens Data Sources(ODBC)
pf - Explorer rooted on Program Files
ps - Process explorer from sysinternals a superior Task Manager
pwd - Excellent password database
r - Regedit registry
rc - Run clipboard - Run command/Open path that is stored in clipboard
rd - Remote Desktop Connection TS terminal server
rft - Register filetype in XP
rj - Registry Jump - Copy path to clipboard and run rj
scn -
serv - Start and stop services.
ss - ZDNet Downloads(former softseek)
td - Copies diff between to times to clipboard
tdd - Shows diff between times: tdd 845 950 1100 1234
tlf - Search in norwegian white pages: tlf Ove Halseth
ts - Remote Desktop Connection TS terminal server
tss - Lager hotspot til nåværende TS session oppe i venstre hjørne
url - Starts IE with shortcut found in URL folder in Favorites\Links
wis - Lookup word in dictionary: dic intermitted
wp - Wordpad
zipoff - Turn off XP's search in zip-folders
zipon - Turn on XP's search in zip-folders
Ove B-)