In case nobobdy's noticed, the state of video editing in Linux is mediocre to deplorable.
Kino and
Cinelerra were the only things that worked on my box, the former being barely adequate and the latter being just short of wretched.
The only thing that saved these two at all was the fact they actually ran and could load video from my son's camera.
All others choked, gagged and slipped into a coma on my box (which may be part of the problem...
Imagine my joy at coming across this juicy bit of news...
VideoLAN Project to launch VLMC video editor.
The VideoLAN Project developers behind the popular open source VLC Media Player are expected to officially announce the addition of a new video editing project by the end of the month.
Originally the announcement was expected during the VideoLAN Dev Days meeting in Paris, now concluded. The VideoLAN Movie Creator, also known as VLMC, will be a free cross-platform video editing tool that offers the "features to realise semi-professional quality movies", while remaining "simple and user-friendly".
Be sure to check out the
Homepage and the
Demo Video!!
from the H-Open