After browsing through my system (win7 x64) setup log, here's my list (only those not yet mentioned have links):
1. must-haves that I hate or have been trying hard to replace, but still can't:
MS Word - Other programs of the Office suite can be easily replaced since I don't use them that much, but not Word. I need my VBA scripts to get my job done. Besides, neither OO Writer, Softmaker Textmate 2010 or Abiword handles East Asian text as well as Word. I missed the days when Amipro was a viable--even better--alternative.
Powerpro - used to love it, even paid for it before it turned freeware, but it's showing its age. It has no unicode support, no x64 support (quite a problem for a system utility), and only very limited multi-monitor support. Does anyone know another utility (non-free ok) that can allow me to assign different actions to mouse clicks when clicking on different part of a window's title bar?
Bootit NG/Image for Linux and
Rollback Rx: all quirky programs, but together they let me administer my system the way I need, and give me fewer headaches than the alternatives.
Internet Explorer - all my banks require it. What can I do?
Directory Opus - still think about going for XYplorer, but the lack of drive bar, true breadcrumb and x64 support is holding me back.
Archivarius 3000 - quirky interface and all, but it's fast, and it index unicode text better than all that I've tried.
2. must-haves that I also enjoy:
Thunderbird 3 (Thunderbird 2 was in the previous category, but I'm quite happy with ver. 3 so far.)
Emeditor - though I also paid for HippoEdit and occasionally use it, Emeditor is my everyday editor
Freemind /
XMind - surprisingly useful for presentation; I don't use Powerpoint anymore.
SpiderOak - beat Dropbox easily IMHO.
Beyond Compare
3. Special honor for programs that provide unicode (East Asian language) support better than their competitors:
Ditto - It's funny that none the non-free (and mighty) clipboard managers - Clipcache, Clipmate, Acetext, etc. - is unicode ready, while several free gems are. Among them, I like Ditto the best.
Irfanview - though I'm looking forward to XnView MP.