You give a post from August 2005 as an example of where I was supposed to jump in and say something? I never saw that thread. I didn't join this site till January of 2006.
Maybe I am as angry as I am because of your attitude.
I am not offended by this post. I am offended by you defending it as if the artists have no rights.
Remember something...I am not just a software developer, I am also an that makes wallpapers. And my daughter is too.
How about I march over to your blog and take 150 posts of yours and republish them somewhere else without credit, just to boost my own popularity and drive traffic to my site? What would be the difference?
It would just be your work that you spend a lot of time and effort on, not the end of the world.
Why don't you make posts with links to warez sites here on DC? What would be the difference?
Over an hour later and this is still spinning in my head and I am still fuming over it. I hate when people treat others as slave labor and do not give them the credit and respect that they not only deserve, but they are entitled to.
And I hate the "everything should be free and nobody should be allowed to profit from their work or have any control over its distribution" mentality. And the "licenses are made to be ignored and it's all ok as long as I don't charge money for it" mentality.
Even when you are nice enough to give it away for free, and nice enough to slap a more than generous CC license on it, it's not good enough for some people.
How is it not theft to go around the internet snagging wallpapers off of a bunch of artists websites, ignoring copyrights, ignoring requirements of a CC license, just to package it all up and stick it on your own site in order to boost your popularity and drive traffic to yourself? In what universe is this right? Certainly not mine!
There is no difference between stealing 150 wallpapers off of assorted artists websites, packaging them up as a collection, and offering them for download on your own site, without permission or credit, just to boost your popularity and gain traffic...and stealing 150 blog articles and republishing them on your own blog without permission or credit, for the same reason. In both cases people are being cheated, violated, disrespected, abused, victimized, and exploited. This is NOT ok! It doesn't matter if you are doing it for free, it's still not ok. It's theft, plain & simple.
It doesn't matter what Microsoft does...150 images were stolen and redistributed, improperly.
It doesn't matter if I never spoke up before today...150 images were stolen and redistributed, improperly.
You know what? It's people like you that make me want to delete everything I have ever made from the internet, all of it, the art, the software, everything...even the stuff I released with a CC license, lest I be exploited and abused like the artists of these wallpapers and everyone thinking that it is somehow ok. Now I understand why my daughter made me take down the bulk of her work from our site. Now I understand why she won't post her best work online any more and keeps it hidden away.
Yes, I am VERY angry. Angry to the point of tears!