I just read the thread below regarding a SF moving one DC member was looking for. Likewise, I have been looking for quite some time for two different movies I saw while being very young (a long time ago
). Both were in B/W I think.
1/ the first one is a spy/thriller movie where a character is abducted or forced into a questioning chamber at the bottom of a big starway. When he returns with friends / or the police/ the stairs are missing one level so he cannot prove the abduction. I know it looks like a bit like Hitchcock's North by NW but it's something else !
2/ The second one is, AFAIR, a movie made in an eastern country (Tchekoslovakia ?) in the 60s or earlier. It takes place in a school for young children that are particularly violent between themselves. One of them is even killed at the end of the movie, and the little monsters are just waiting for the new schoolboys that will arrive the year after, that will become their next victims. Quite a difficult movie !
I'd be very happy if someone recognizes them.