I don't really know any ASCII formatting (like the ones you see in Gamefaqs) so I've been making liberal use of the =, -, [,] symbols.
Any other advice like text editor and symbols. (For ex. I have no idea how to make a decent Table of Contents yet.)
It's just nowadays I've been relying on DropBox's free 2gb for back ups and .txt is the lightest, most convenient cross-OS format I know of.
I've even resorted to typing up webpages instead of using web clippers.
I'm just angry that when a program dies down (or in my case because I switched to Linux), it's a hell of a lot of work extracting those notes because exports only work on the same program.
Then I hate that I'm connected to one/couple of external HDs so I decided I might just as well squeeze all 2gb with text files. At least it's easier to recover compared to HDs and sticks.