This idea/request needs a little explanation up front. I've been an Avant browser user for a long time. WildBlue, my satellite ISP, recently worked out an arrangement with Mozilla so that Firefox works a lot faster than IE on WildBlue. Since Avant uses the IE engine, I switched to Orca, which has pretty much the same UI as Avant but uses the Firefox engine. This has worked out well in almost all respects, but there is one problem. RoboForm's toolbar either doesn't show up in Orca, or it shows up empty -- no icons or text. Siber Systems says they don't and won't support Orca, and Avantforce says there's a problem getting the existing RoboForm toolbar to work in Orca. Anyway, the bottom line is that I've done a lot of searching around and can't find a fix for this that works well for me (including the RoboForm Online bookmarklett). However, I was thinking that if I had the appropriate JavaScript code to activate RoboForm's form-filling capacity (RoboForm is running with a tray icon) using a specific RoboForm identity, I could add a toolbar button to another toolbar in Orca to do this. I'm only interested in form-filling for a specific identity. I'm using Orca's built-in AutoFill for passwords, and it's working fine. Unfortunately, the built-in AutoFill doesn't work anywhere near as well for form filling as RoboForm, and the only way to activate it is through the menu structure and requires 3 clicks. I'm looking for a one-click solution, and a button in one of the existing taskbars would work fine. Orca includes the functionality to define a button, assign an icon, and attach JavaScript, so all I need is the JavaScript. I should probably just learn JavaScript, but I don't have time now.