... im hoping we can think up some unique functionality.-mouser
for the MouserBar:
- tool tips for the clock for to see the time in different time zones
- "address bar" for to execute DOS or FARR commands
- option to see picture (for them they have bigger monitore) of our loved ones
- option to have bigger picture as icons (i.e. only some but bigger icons/pics, maybe only 8 at onces, for the older one of us)
- option to have text only, without any icon. Maybe have the text in any size you want.
- this is in general a good idea: resize e.g. the clock to big font size.
- option to have count down and stop watch
- otion to see an calendar
- option to have an drop-down notepad for quick notes, with auto hide
- option to see system recourses <?>
- maybe an second "flowting out" bar with the items from the "Quick Launch"-folder
- (have i read this in this thread?) "Fly-out"-icons like in graphic editor => one main icon with an fly out drop-down menu _
for to have the main most wanted tool in front, but alternatives in the fly-out menu.
- optional timer to start apps and link on an given time (remind me on my eBay bid time)
- MouserBar should have the most needed .CPL links out of the box in the installer
- command line calculator (=> OK, this is an issue for the second item from the top above)
- optional an field for to see RSS feeds <?>
- or to remote work with an messenger ? ? for not to have an extra messenger window on the right side.