insertnamehere: ah, the read-only option is something that I had forgotten about, but which has always been "
a slight bit" quirky

. Good that you mention it, it's a thing I really should iron out before going to non-beta, because it's
clearly unintuitive right now (I just played around with read-only a bit, and found it pretty confusing - did manage to produce a read-only document though, but don't ask me how

Guess I'll have to test the font picker a bit more, it's pretty simple code so wouldn't have expected it to go wrong - I'll test on XP and Vista tomorrow.
mwb1100: it makes sense to be suspicious about running out of %temp%, but damn some of those HIPS thingies annoy me

- adding a registry setting should be a pretty quick fix, as long as you don't ask for a GUI option for it