I've finally gotten around to setting up a "proper" website for fSekrit; mouser gave me a
dcmembers.com account quite a while ago, and it didn't have anything but a half-arsed page for my Notepad++ plugins... until now. Behold
f0dder.dcmembers.com, the new and much improved
1 site for
fSekrit and the
Notepad++ plugins 
When Gothi[c] gets around to fixing it, the current page should redirect smoothly to the new site... until then, this post will hopefully help search engines pick up. Redirects are up and running, thanks plenty to Gothi[c]

In order to not be an entirely self-promoting post, I'm going to ask you guys for feedback. Anything goes - design, content, grammar, splellelling, you name it! Current list of
known this-could-be-done-betters:
- Main page is rather boring

Space is needed between icons and text in sidebar.Latest forum posts in fSekrit page not implemented yet.- Use donationcoder favico for DoCo sidebar link.
#1: thanks to
scancode for pointing me to
Free CSS Templates, otherwise the new site would still look like crap