have you had a look at the comparison page -
I dont use UR myself but it looks to me like the Pro version has a lot of worthwhile advantages.
Thanks, I have looked at this comparison, but I find it hard to translate into real situations, for many items (like "hoisting"). Even regarding Search capabilities, it's not obvious to see if it's a major difference. Actually I was hoping that someone from DC is already using either version and could comment on this.
From the Help file :
Ultra Recall supports hoisting of the Data Explorer pane to temporarily limit the tree display tree to a subset of the entire tree hierarchy in the database. The tree can also be unhoisted to show the entire tree again. Any item except the root My Data item can be hoisted.
Hoisting and unhoisting are accessed via the Tree menu, toolbar, or keyboard shortcuts. To hoist, choose Tree | Hoist on the menu. If the root item of the tree is not the My Data item (house icon), the tree is hoisted. Use Tree | Unhoist on the menu bar to show the entire tree, or use Go | Up On Level to unhoist one level. If an item outside of the hoisted tree is navigated to, the tree will be unhoisted automatically.
Each tab can be hoisted to a different location, and hoists are persisted between sessions.
An option is also available to automatically hoist a Favorite when opening it.
Note: Available in Professional edition only.
I bought Ultra Recall Pro long time ago when it was discounted at BitsDujour It is indeed a powerful program. But I hate to say that I only use a rather small subset of its features. It is not the program's fault; just that I have not invested the time to exploit it. Like owning a Ferrari and driving it only to the supermart.
So other than say that it is a powerful program, I cannot comment much further. You may want to have a look at the user forums to get an idea of what people use it for.
For US$20 bucks extra, I say skip the 3 or 4 Starbucks coffee and get the pro. There are some rather helpful powerusers at the user forum you can get help from.
Maybe reading this might help with the decision: