Currently using 0.3.7 -- thought I'd jot down some notes for getting started. May be that will help me out when I inevitably lose my configuration
To start the terminal ui:
$ weechat-curses
Once started, adding a server with SSL access - sadly with bad work-arounds:
/server add efnet -ssl
/set irc.server.efnet.ssl_dhkey_size 768
/set irc.server.efnet.ssl_verify off
To save the current configuration:
Connect to a server previously specified in settings (see above):
/connect efnet
Specify nick and join #donationcoder:
/nick somenick
/join #donationcoder
Disconnect from a server:
Getting help:
Handy for viewing some config options (/set with wildcards):
/set *ssl*
All good things...