it has directed my towards an Audio driver
I've had numerous problems with RealTek High Definition Audio drivers at various times.
Usually occurred right after I loaded a "recommended" update.
Might try rolling them back if you've recently updated. -40hz
I thought it actually was a realtek sound card I have that I have never been happy with (I could remove the card & use onboard sound but dont like messing with (=opening) the machine).
but I'm not sure:
The problem file is:
version is
It's not quite clear - various sites say it's a soundcard driver, e.g.
herecmedia is here:[edit]
added corrected
the version number
[edit2] there doesnt appear to be a more recent version, I presume it's related to the Realtek soundcard, which hasnt had any updates since I installed the already old driver from cd that came with it (2 years ago now I think..)
[edit3] times like this I hate computers
- it could be the first offer on the list in the cmedia page linked to above. I might do a backup(=image) and try it out...