Thanks rjbull.
But 'Helmet' doesn't have the option to specify save time interval to less than a minute.
Hi sri, that's true. I only wrote it for a min of 1 minute. If you're looking for lower than that I think you may have an extremely unstable computer ;-)
Alternatively, you can use an autoit script (which doesn't require the program to be in focus)
;1 = Match the title from the start (default)
;2 = Match any substring in the title
;3 = Exact title match
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
while (true)
if WinExists("FlexBuilder") Then
if not WinExists("Save As") Then
WinMenuSelectItem("FlexBuilder", "", "&File", "&Save")
;you could send a ctrl+s command to the edit box
;ControlSend("FlexBuilder", "", "[CLASSNN:Edit1]", "^s")