the story goes like this...
the netgear is an adsl wifi router (with 4 ports), it worked fine for about 12 months (after a few teething problems when i first got it - random disconnections).
after the 12 months of perfect use the netgear decided to start disconnecting itself from my isp - it would stay connected for about 10 minutes, sometime even an hour - it would immediately reconnect, but it was annoying - messenger having to reconnect, large downloads upset, file sharing queues upset.
as i couldn't see any logical explanation for this behaviour (not that that really matters with computers) i 'decided' that the netgear router had become too ill for me to use any more. my isp settings hadn't changed and i'd not changed anything on my computer either, so i couldn't see any good reason why it shouldn't work.
on plugging my cheap no brand name non wifi adsl router into all the right connections i found that everything worked fine - no disconnections to my isp at all no matter how long i leave this old router switched on.
now the problem is, this cheapo router works fine but has no wifi. the netgear router that has a mind of its own has wifi but is too unreliable to use as the main device.
solutions: buy a new adsl wifi router or link the two routers i've got at the moment and get the wifi working again plus a few extra ports, well an extra 2 ports.
i could do with the extra ports but i've lived with 4 quite happily so more of them is just a bonus really. i could buy a new adsl wifi router but this netgear one didn't impress me that much - i've found that i only use the wireless once in a blue moon anyway.
i'd probably get one of the new mimo wifi routers in a few months when i can't hold out any longer - just so i can play around with it. hopefully someone can recommend a brand that works reliably.
idealy, i'll like a gigabit router that has adsl and wifi but i've yet to see one (any suggestions) so it looks like i would have to mix and match a few devices anyway to get what i want - i think it's a bit poor what's on offer at the moment. just a simple mimo wifi adsl gigabit router would be the right tool for the job.
as for the firmware update - just downloaded it and will do it in a few minutes but i'll be amazed if it works - i really don't have much faith in this netgear jobbo.