Yeah, the light source is pretty serious. The forum reccomends an Ushio S400DD lamp. It's a 400 watt, 33,000 lumen, hot-ass light! You have to take precautions not to melt your lenses and I think even your LCD! I'm going to add a little extra cooling/heat sheilding, as the LCD I plan to use is pretty darn expensive!
This website I'm on (
LumenLab) seems to be a very good resource. There aren't very many descenting opinions on there, which could be either good or bad. I've probably spent about 20 hours of research on there.
Before I actually start ordering parts (next week) I'll probably branch out a little and see if I can find anything better or the same stuff anywhere else. I've done that a little, and there doesn't seem to be much else out there so far.
I know it wont all be peaches and creame, but I think it'll be something I can live with. I'll never really know until I try.
One thing that will be nice about this is that since I'm building it myself I'll know it inside-and-out. If something comes along that would make my projector better I can always put it in later. If the picture is too dim I can put in a better reflector, or a higher power bulb. Maybe since LED technology is progressing so rapidly I'll be able to make the light source an LED in a couple years.