I think your requirements might be a bit out of scope for a simple text file cracker like this. That being said, I promise to take a deeper look at your request.
I appreciate that. How I envision using the Tag and Split function is
1 Creating a list of tags text file.
2 Adding the tags in front of paragraphs - like \a \b \c - just
boom boom boom - that perhaps get substituted to [Topic A] [Topic B] [Topic C].
3 Running Chopping List and getting as many files as there are tags.
4 Continuing editing with all the topics neatly in their own files.
Useful for organizing any kind of text where various topics/ideas have been collected in one file. Certainly n times more efficient and quicker than cut-pasting between text files, which lacks the
boom boom boomness that I'm looking for here.
There's a feature for sorting paragraphs in Word, but it fails when there is more than one paragraph before the next tag.
The best software has the least steps between beginning and achieving the goal, ideally:
Boom, you're done. And after that the process should be automated if possible so you never have to repeat even that single
(*meme courtesy of Steve 'Boom' Jobs)