ok what is the idea exactly...
is a resident to do list and reminder, until now nothing special
the special is for the to do list definition of the priority...
to wach my car
because is durty
i go to visit mam
my wife tells me that she go away if i dont wash it
like you see more arguments you put in the "why" section more high is the priority...
option if the task have more than 5 WHYs the programme tells you every hour for to do that
1 hour before date , after 1/2 hour before, and so on ....
yes is something for to make you do the task, and in option .... for deactivate that you have to write a long sentence.....iwantostopthingbecauseiamtoolazy....blabla
(i know i can just put that out off memory, but i will have a serius conscience problem
i hope to have been clear