I've come up with a system of organization that works for me and I need help finding a software that can easily do it.
With tons of things to do, I've realized the need for a system of organization. I've heard rave reviews about GTD, but having gone through some of the book, its far too complex for my liking. Hence, I've come up with my own system. TO form this, I've taken some ideas from Dave Allen's GTD principles, plus my own.
All stuff is broken down into tasks that is organized into 4 priorities:
1) Urgent and Important
2) Urgent and non-Important
3) Non-Urgent and Important
4) Non-Urgent and Non-Important
It goes 1 to 4 in decreasing order of priority.
Each task is tagged under one or more categories - e.g. health, financial, career, business, personal development, family etc.
Whenever a new task is added into the system, I put down the date it is due, its priority, some tags plus some small notes describing it. The task is then automatically added to my calendar. When I look at the calendar, I can see the tasks that are coming up. The ones that are higher in priority will appear at the top of each day.
All this should ideally be in an online system such as Google Calendar (for the calendar) so that I can easily access it from anywhere.
Anyone already use a system like this? Any ideas? So far, I've tried thinking rock and tiddlywiki, but both are GTD based.